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eli basila

movement, video, writing, practice
artist statement

(October 5, 2021-11:06 AM) I am in my body and I’m celebrating, I’m sharing everything about myself, am I in sensation?

(11:26 AM) What's in-between of acknowledgment and grievance-

I want control over the terms of my body and my choices, and I want to feel a firm foundation beneath me. (11:32 AM) I need to be stable but I want to touch others. It feels like myself.


Eli Basila is a trans-queer artist who works in movement, video, writing and visual art. He is working to be in sensation and process what it means to transition between spaces of embodiment and disembodiment. He is interested in the intersection of ephemera in the body engaging with the visual language of video-film. Eli has performed in works by Katie Swords-Thurman, Tommie-Waheed Evans, Emily Wexler, Sidra Bell, Jimena Paz, Marguerite Hemmings and Fana Fraser. He began his training in dance at the Lehigh Valley Charter High School for the Arts and is now finishing their BFA in Dance with a Film Minor at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia.


You can somewhat play with formatting of words, what you want in here succinctly do you wanna share the personal or save it for another format like the artist statement or project statement 

Try instead: trans and queer Artist who works both with movement and film instead of separating those two things. Or maybe keep it idk

What does in sensation mean: going back on what I literally mean when I said that, pre top surgery, a year long break, disembodiment and then starting to be in sensation again. Maybe take it out and just keep disembodiment and embodiment or chose this sensation sentence OR dis/embodiment statement EITHER OR

The relationship between film and dance with dance being intangible

Try instead: Intersection of the/an ephemeral/lity (transitory, fleeting, intangible)  body engaging with the visual tangible language of film

Whatever order feel right to you, 


For your website you're including the statement bio, resume, including a practice of what you do most often (performance clips, film clips, free-writings) 



University of the Arts - BFA Dance Performance, Minor in Film


Lehigh Valley Charter High School for the Arts - High School Diploma




This quilted moment , Winter Dance Series - Fana Fraser & Chanel Howard

BIOLUMINESCENT EROSION, UArts Homeschool - O Fernandes


Re-Lareigne , UArts Home School - Stephen Petronio, Jimena Paz


The Third Thing 2 , UArts Home School - Marguerite Hemmings


perennial , Spring Dance Series - Sidra Bell


Navy Blue , Winter Dance Series - Emily Wexler


Practicing Future , Winter Dance Series - Shayla Vie-Jenkins & Jesse Zarritt


1973 , Philadelphia Museum of Dance - Boris Charmatz

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